
Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Make Your Own Play Dough

We ran out of play dough in the house and Aunt "JuJu" was over so we decided to make some!  It turned out great and Anna even helped.  I would just recommend not letting your little one put in the food coloring : )

A saucepan
1/2 cup salt
1 cup flour
2 tablespoons cream of tarter
1 cup cold water
Food coloring
1 tablespoon of vegetable oil

1.  In a saucepan, combine salt, flour, and cream of tarter.
2. Then add water, a few drops of food coloring, and vegetable oil.  Mix until smooth.
3.  Cook over medium heat, stirring frequently.
4.  When the mixture sticks to the pan, sticks together, and is no longer slimy to the touch, you are finished.  
5.  Place it onto wax paper, and kneed a dozen times.  Let it sit.
6.  When it is cool it is ready to play with.  
7.  Store in a container with a tight-fitting lid or sealed plastic bag so it doesn't dry out.

Playing with it the next day!

Idea for playing with Play Dough for a toddler:
Use cookie cutters and practice shapes
Rolling pin
Make balls (Anna's favorite)
Poke it with things like straws, pens, popsicle sticks, etc....
Make it into pretend food and cook with it (with pretend kitchen of course)
Roll and stamp designs onto it...with a pie wheel, cups, toys, cookie cutter
Make hand and foot prints into it
Mold into your favorite animals and practice their names and sounds

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